Current Patients
Client Portal
Restore utilizes a secure client portal for ongoing communication and document management.
View upcoming appointments
Request ongoing appointments
Cancel an appointment
Message your provider
Fill out needed paperwork
View billing statement
Visiting the office
Our main clinic is located at 1235 SE Morrison Suite 100. We are located near Revolution Hall in the MORRISON PLAZA building. We are the only office suite on the ground floor.
Please feel free to park in our parking lot off Morrison Street in the reserved spaces.
We offer bike parking just outside our front doors.
Our office building is ADA compliant and accessible to people with disabilities.
Dr. Randhava's office is located in the Solterra Building 959 SE Division St. Suite 315
Office etiquette
Kindly arrive on time
At the Restore main clinic, please check in using the iPad on the reception table. Your therapist will be notified of your arrival and will soon greet you in the lobby. Please do not wander the office.
At the Psychiatry Office, you will be received in the lobby at the time of your appointment.
At the Main Clinic office, we offer a waiting space for children up to 11 years old that is stocked with toys, books and a teepee. Your child therapist will orient you to the space on your first appointment.
Make yourself comfortable. Please feel free to hop on our wifi (Password: Restore2) and grab a beverage. We offer tea and water.
Please use headphones and mute your cell phone to avoid disturbing sessions in progress.
Cancellation Policy
Restore Therapy requires 24 hours cancellation notice to avoid being charged a full session fee. Please cancel directly with your clinician via the client portal or by calling 503-376-7114 and select their extension. If there are multiple cancellations or reschedule requests, your clinician may not be able to hold regular space in their schedule.
Stay in touch
To send a message directly to your therapist please message them in the client portal or call 503-376-7114 and select their extension. Therapists do not have access to text message.
For other support please email our administrative team:
Requesting release of information
Sending records
Relay a message to your care team
Discuss billing questions
Help updating credit card or benefits
Questions about your first appointment
Onboarding questions
General business inquiries
Questions about the practice
Concerns and complaints